I'm a Senior Software Engineer at Udemy and on the side my interests are in Ubiquitous Computing and Internet of Things.
Senior Software Engineer on the Growth Engineering team.
Work with our growth team and our web applications team to generate new features related to growth hacking.
CBS Interactive
Replatformed a popular CBS Interactive website onto a new internal content and audience management system. In addition, coded in various industry standard languages and software stacks, including symfony2, requirejs, jquery, php, twig, html5 and javascript. Also optimized solr search indexer and managed bug fixes.
West Coast PoC for managing deploys, fixing blockers and running data migrations. In addition, one of the main software engineers on the backend for ZDNet replatform and focusing on implementing a backend system that fits what ZDNet needs.
JUNE 2013 - SEPTEMBER 2013
Tutored for CSE 8b: Introduction to Java programming class. Worked with students on providing help and comprehension on their programming assignments and graded problem solving assignments.
Head Tutor for CSE 3: Fluency in Information Technology. Worked with the professor in creating homework, grading labs, and lead other tutors in providing a comprehension of technology to non-technical students.
BlueHornet/Digital River
Worked on adding a custom field for users to input through the BlueHornet mail service application. This internship provided an opportunity to go through one development cycle and implement a custom number field that will be used to send personalized data to millions of subscribers. This project mainly utilized Zend framework and in house php libaries.
Ocean Observatories Initiative
Manage 5 different network-monitoring tools, modify and create bash scripts, and do various miscellaneous troubleshooting jobs such as setting up servers, installing virtual machines, write shell scripts, design visio charts, and technical support for staff members. Mainly devops support.
Programming Languages
Shell Script
SPARC Assembly
Web Frameworks
Zend Framework
Ruby on Rails
Oracle Database 11g
Human Computer Interaction Project: CSE 170
Project class focused on gathering data on user needs and creating an application that fits the needs through concepts of usability engineering and human computer interaction. Designed an iPhone based web application that allows users to insert details about their lifestyles and generate graphs based on the desired details.
Google Glass Project
Chroma, a wearable augmented-reality system based on Google Glass that allows users to see a filtered image of the current scene in real-time. Chroma automatically adapts the scene-view based on the type of color blindness, and features dedicated algorithms for color saliency.
Check below for more information
Android/Web Server Interface project
TimeWastr is an application that grabs articles from websites, calculates the words of each article and allow users to read the articles at an average wpm pace by the time they desire. This application utilizes a Node.js backend that communicates completely through API calls to a front end Android Application.
Kinect/Arduino Project
Vendos is an home automation project designed to interface Kinect with an Arduino, and allows the user to control home appliances through movements and voice commands. This project focuses on creating a Ubiquitous home environment on the budget and allows users to have a DIY project that can control appliances.
Research Paper
We Have We Need
Project class focused on creating an inventory-sharing system that allows improved coordination between non-governmental organizations operating in disaster areas. We Have We Need is a web application written in python in which it allows users to manage their inventory and communicate with others on receiving and giving necessities during a crisis.
Independent Study: Concurrent Programming with Go
Independent study class focused on learning Golang, a concurrent programming language. This project partially implements the rfc-1459 standards of an irc server, in which clients can connect to it and chat. This project focused mainly on concurrency and managing goroutines.
Summary Slide
Compiler Construction: CSE 131
Project class in which we built parser that does syntactic and symantic analysis on Reduced-C code. Then we built a code generator that translates correctly inputted code to SPARC assembly. Reduced-C is light version of C++ and includes almost every feature supported, including classes, pointers, structs and arrays.
Self-motivated project in which I help the cse department create tools for easier access of a grading system. Currently working on a python backend of easing uploads to gradesource, an online course management system. Written as a way to simplify uploading grades, as it allows users to grab names, emails, pid into csv forms and allow csv uploads for grades. In addition, wrote a ruby/sinatra based gui webapp as a wrapper for this backend
Github repo
Github repo for gui wrapper
Software Engineering Project: CSE 110
Project class focused on building a web application that utilizes agile development in thought process and creation. we utilized ruby on rails web framework and provided an application that allows crossfit users to keep track of their workout statistics.
Github repo
Embedded Systems Project: CSE 145
Project class focused on building an embedded computing system. our project was to build a better traffic analyzer utilizing video and sensor input on a Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA. Our goal was to achieve real time motion tracking using edge detection.
UC San Diego
Fluency in Information Technology
Introduction to Programming with MATLAB
Introduction to Computer Science and Object-Oriented Programming: Java
Basic Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design
Discrete Mathematics
Computer Organization and Systems Programming
Advanced Data Structures
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Probability and Statistics
Theory of Computability
Software Engineering
Principles of Computer Operating Ssystems
Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms
Compiler Construction
Global TIES: Team Engineering
Embedded System Design Project
Independent Study: Concurrent Programming with GO
MATLAB for Experimental Research
Ubiquitous Computing
Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems
Introduction to Computer Architecture
Computer Architecture Project
Introduction to HCI Design
Mobile Programming
Directed Group Study: Google Glass and Chroma